Alsident System A/S - With our dimensioning program it is easy to choose and visualize the correct extraction arm for your work situation

The Alsidim® dimensioning program version 2.0 makes it easy for you to find the optimum combination of extraction arm, bracket, hood and mounting point for your workstation.

Enter dimensions for workspace, any suspended ceiling, equipment and persons. Then select the extraction arm with the hood and mounting bracket that match your needs. You can move and position the equipment depending on the layout of your workstation.

See the workspace from the side, from the FRONT, from the TOP or in 3D.

Note! Optimised for Google Chrome browser.

The Alsidim® dimensioning program version 2.0 makes it easy for you to:
•  Enter dimensions for ceiling height and any suspended ceiling
•  Enter dimensions for equpment and persons
•  Insert extraction arm – now with the option of inserting several arms of the same model
•  Select hood and bracket
•  Select colour of plastic parts
•  Change and move extraction arm, equipment and persons
•  Move and position extraction arm and hood in relation to the layout of the workstation
•  Download product specifications for the individual parts by clicking the item no.

Once you have found the optimum extraction arm, you can choose to either print the drawing or save it as a PDF file. Complete the drawing with a name and reference code, if required. The drawing is for personal use only.