Alsident System A/S - Local extraction in chiropody clinics (foot clinics) must remove the grinding dust from nails and skin which can contain unhealthy bacteria and fungus
Recommended systems
Alsident System 50 AL
Alsident System 63 PP
Alsident System 10
Airflow alarm >>
Small flexible extraction arm which is easily positioned. Choose aluminium pipes with red, white or black joints.
Airvolume: 45 - 85 m3/h.
Extraction arm easily moved with one hand.
Pipes of white polypropylene (PP).
Airvolume: 60 - 120 m3/h
For monitoring the extraction efficiency.
Easily mounted on the extraction arm.

Hazardous dust

When shaping nails and exfoliating skin, large amounts of dust are created. Studies have shown that these dust particles can stay in the air up to 30 minutes after the nail grinder has been switched off. Nail dust with a particle size of 0,8 - 1,6 µm is so fine that it can be breathed in. It involves great risk because the dust contains bacteria and fungus.

Remove the dust with an extraction arm

Being a chiropodist, it is important for you to use local extraction which removes the grinding dust directly at the nails/feet. The extraction arms from Alsident® System are able to get close to and extract the dust without hindering the treatment.
The wide range of hoods makes it easy to choose a hood adapted to this type of pollution and your working area. When you have finished the treatment, it is easy to fold away the extraction arm from your working area.


Links - find more on local extraction in chiropodists