Alsident System A/S - Download and use our specification texts in your tender documents. The texts are grouped according to our systems and are available for all Alsident products
Here you will find our complete technical descriptions of all our systems, i.e. extraction arms, brackets and other accessories.
Single out the pages you need as
     -  Specification of you requirements
     -  Specification in tender documents
     -  Specification in quotations
     -  Description of products in the user's manual
You will find further information about the extraction arms under Brochures and Test Reports
Choose the file you need and click to download the entire document.

file name
System 10 - Airflow alarm     43 kb
System 25 - Work cabinet   297 kb
1310 kb
1115 kb
System 50 Flex AL 470 kb
System 50 Flex AS 450 kb
1165 kb
1240 kb
910 kb
1055 kb
930 kb
System 100 AL 1400 kb
System 100 AS 1300 kb
330 kb